Hey, there is no "dead" in "team." So instead of going all Charles Bronson on me, let me clear the way.


You knew I was a shark when you hired me. Don't be surprised when I smell blood in the water.


Something about killing a citizen makes me want to kick back on the beach.


Nathan Ingram outlived his usefulness and he was dealt with accordingly. You might consider him a cautionary tale.


Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not safe to be in the park at night.


It's not good for you to be in here all day by yourself, Harold. Ever think about getting a dog?


The Machine offered me a job; she never said it would be easy.


I'm one of the good guys now, Harold.


Everyone is relevant to someone.


It was only after I taught the machine that people mattered that it could begin to be able to help them. I'd like to do the same thing for you, if you'd let me.


Root: In the first thirty minutes, after Samaritan comes online, a lot of people are going to be killed. But they're gonna start with four: You, me, your helper monkey and Shaw. And there won't be a damn thing anyone, including your Machine, can do to stop it. You think I don't care about people, Harold? I'm doing all of this to save you.

Hey, "Cuckoo's Nest," the meter's running.


Person of Interest Quotes

Knowledge is not my problem. Doing something with that knowledge is where you come in. You can call me Mr. Finch.


When you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different, someone better. When that person is taken from you, what do you become then?
