Gus: These Plums are God's candy
Shawn: If God meant for those to be candy, why did he invent candy? Did you hear what I just said?

Gus: Did you tell Jules about this?
Shawn: No, I did not. I most certainly did not.

I am Burton Guster. I am just a man, a man who cares.


My BABY!!!!


Shawn [to Frank]: Ground rules Frank: we ease into this like Gus eased into being black.

We take our handheld entertainment very seriously.


Oh, and he drives a blueberry.


My finger to eyebrow device is broken....


Shawn: So you know that Gus has hepatitis K?
Gus: What are you doing?
Shawn: Trying to prevent a nightmare.

Groove to it, Shawn.


Baby, all your facial parts are in the right places.

Shawn[to Juliet]

"Suck home plate!"

Shawn [to Henry]

Psych Quotes

Gus: That's a player's move, Shawn, a player's move.
Shawn: That's not a player's move, Gus, that's an astronomer's move.

Juliet: It's all police work Carlton.
Carlton: Yeah, right, and global warming is real.
Juliet: Yes, it is, Carlton.
Carlton: Sure it is.