(to Ned) I'm going to hug Digby and pretend that he's you.


Wondering why her kiss with the pie maker went unmentioned, Olive attempted to mention the unmentionable.


Emerson: They were all breeders too.
Olive: They make dogs for their polygamy cult?
Emerson: Dog breeders.
Olive: They make dogs for their polygamy cult?
Emerson: Ain’t nobody making nothing for their polygamy cult.

Ned and I have been together for a very long time. We’re intimate. But it’s the appropriate human-canine sort of intim


I suppose I could pay my bills with blind kids' smiles. But their money is a lot easier.


Chuck: I love a good "although."
Olive: Me too.

That girl dropped a bomb in your sub-conscious with her saliva.


Chuck: were you watching me sleep?
Ned: No... yes... well, I was waiting for you to wake up and in the process of waiting I was, yes, watching you sleep.

Olive: Yesterday, a ferrier named Lucas Shoemaker was found dead. Trampled.
Emerson: Why should I care about a dude that sells fur coats?
Olive: Not a furrier, a ferrier. Heir.
Emerson: Fair-rier?
Olive: It's a blacksmith. Puts shoes on horses.
Emerson: Don't try to act like that's a word everybody knows.

Emerson: What did you compete about?
Olive: Promise you won't laugh?
Emerson: No.
Olive: I used to be a professional horse jockey.
Emerson: Hahahaha! (mimics riding a horse) Hahahaha!

Emerson: There's a legless skeleton of a horse in John Jacobs tomb, and Olive knows you're dead.
Chuck: First of all, huh? And secondly, Olive thinks that I faked my death which is completely different to knowing that I'm dead.
Emerson: Yeah, different like purple and mauve.

Sweet Secretariat


Pushing Daisies Season 1 Quotes

Chuck: Do you believe in reincarnation?
Emerson: Hell no. The planet's falling apart. Right now, it's the children's problem. We reincarnate, it's our problem

Vivian: Charlotte was a nice girl.
Lily: With the exception of puberty.
Vivian: Which was when Lily was going through a change of life.
Lily: Impolite to talk about one's menopause in mixed company.