It's a box of questions, not answers.


There's nothing wrong with wanting to be normal.


You can't handle your own truth, why would I think you could handle mine?

Remi [to Luke]

Olivia: A big hairy spider was crawling up my arm.
Caleb: We're in a room with two skeletons and that's what's freaking you out?

Okay there's creepy and then there's if I pee in my pants you can't make fun of me.


I couldn't tel her everything. She'd be here in a split second. I can't have what happened to you, happen to her.

Caleb [to Miranda]

I fall asleep and someone grabs the sleep remote and switches to nightmare channel.


One minute I'm sneaking up on Grunwald doing my poltergeist thing, the next minute I'm being seared like Ahi tuna.


Be careful my dear, you think you have the answers but you don't even know what the questions are.

Mrs. Grunwald

Caleb: We’re the ones who are in danger. We’re marked.
Olivia: My father wasn’t marked and he was killed because of the pact.

You were gonna wish you were dead before this is over. And then, you’ll get your wish.

Jail Guy [to Luke]

Collins: I’m sure you realize there are a lot of people in this town who have a very wrong opinion of your mother.
Olivia: Yeah they think she killed my dad.
Collins: You and I know that’s not true.

Ravenswood Quotes

I think you're supposed to start off with "Hello."


Ravenswood has to be the only town in the country without a website.
