I'd tell you how much time you had left but you stole my watch.


If you came here to rescue me you might want a do over.


You murdered my father. You and I have unfinished business.


Thanks to a lethal combination of your vitriol and your incompetence, the evidence you stole from me is now in the hands of our most powerful adversary.


In every life there comes a day of reckoning.


Charlotte: Mom, what have you done now?
Victoria: Nothing I wouldn't do again.

There might be a place for kindness and fairness but this is definitely not one of them.


Please don't say you're sorry. You so clearly are not.


This is getting kinkier and creepier by the moment.


Lydia, ever the opportunist, I see.


You look like a demonic succubus.


Jack: You think I don't see right through this?
Daniel: See through what Porter? It's a check not a shoe bomb.

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
