So it's true, even the devil himself didn't want you.

Conrad [to Victoria]

I once did a video interview with Katie Couric butt naked in my Jacuzzi.


Hit me. This is your one and only shot, so do it like a man, if it's even possible.


Sometimes I feel like Job, from the bible.


Nolan: I don't think my employees have any respect for me.
Emily: Why would they, you're not wearing pants.

Trey: I didn't know you had a boat in this marina.
Declan: Yeah, it's real easy to miss between the yachts.

Don't you think it's a little bit dangerous to be catnapping out in the open, or are you actually baiting the White-Haired Man-ibal Lecter to come for you?


Destiny. To believe that a life is meant for a single purpose, one must also believe in a common fate. Father to daughter, brother to sister, mother to child. Blood ties can be as unyielding as they are eternal. But it is our bonds of choice that truly light the road we travel. Love versus hatred. Loyalty against betrayal. A person's true destiny can only be revealed at the end of his journey, and the story I have to tell is far from over.


Great. Seance, anyone?


All that's missing are the flesh-eating zombies.


Nolan: How many guest rooms you have?
Emily: Why?
Nolan: Casa Nolan's in escrow.
Emily: You sold your house?
Nolan: Bad mojo. Look, Ems, if I'm going to be a wingman for the summer, I ...
Emily: No.
Nolan: Thanks for mulling that over.

[on Victoria] And risk getting her manicured talons dirty? Not her style.


Revenge Season 2 Quotes

Aiden: Double infinitiy.
Emily: A journey with no end.

I'm not destroying lives, Amanda. I'm righting wrongs.
