[to Conrad] I try to keep the ghosts out, but they always force their way back in.


[to Victoria] And here I thought I knew all the skeletons in your closet by name.


Conrad: You are deceptively brilliant.
Ashley: I learned from the best.
Conrad: You meant Victoria, didn't you?
Ashley: Yeah.

[to Emily] Wow, start your revenge-ines.


All too often, we mask the truth in artifice, concealing ourselves for fear of losing the ones we love or prolonging a deception for those we wish to expose. We hide behind that which brings us comfort from pain and sadness or use it to repel a truth too devastating to accept.


[to Nolan] I know that you are hurting, but you need to stop blaming yourself, get on your computer, and dig until you find them. And I swear to god that when you do, I will help you save her. I give you my word.


Nolan: They have been ahead of us every step of the way. And now, they'll probably kill her if they haven't already, and I told her, Ems, I promised her that I would keep her safe.
Emily: I don't know if Padma is still alive, but I do know that if she is, you are the only person that can find her.

[to Aiden] And now we've given our enemy the most unimaginably dangerous program known to man and put two innocent people's lives in unimaginable danger. You really should consider another line of work.


Aiden: Can you stop breathing so heavily?
Nolan: I'm sorry to bother you Lee Harvey. I guess I just get a little nervous when I'm about to kill people.

Conrad: Our very own 'Joe the Plumber,' if you will.
Jack: You want me to convince the poor guy to vote for the rich guy?
Ashley: In the most reductive terms, yes.

Nolan: Hey, this isn't the way that things end for us. Someday you'll be sitting on a beach somewhere and you'll find out that the Initiative was exposed and the threat is gone.
Padma: You better be walking down that beach ten seconds later.
Nolan: I will be running.

Padma: I can't fly off somewhere and live the rest of my life without you. I love you.
Nolan: And I love you, too. So much.

Revenge Season 2 Quotes

[on Victoria] You think she's somewhere looking up at us?


Nolan: What are you gonna do?
Emily: Play a hunch. I need to get a camera in there.