You get punched a lot?


I hate endings. The truth is, I hate beginnings too. I like middles, the comfortable steady sameness.


I know this isn't goodbye. I mean, we're family, all of us.


This adventure has made me more alive and you have been the big family I never had and you've brought so much joy and laughter into my life, and for this I will be forever grateful.


He'd probably be your partner by now. He should be here to look after you.


Maura: So it's really coming to an end.
Jane: Yeah. We had some good times though.

Even you would look bad if a bullet had gone through you.


I would like to pretend this long, beautiful dream is gonna go on forever, but nothing goes on forever. We've been through so much - good things, horrible things, and I can't imagine what life is gonna be like tomorrow, next week, next year. I'm gonna miss you. Really really miss you. And I love you.


Taking a dirt path seems sort of, I don't know, unhealthy.


I can't remember the last time I had so much fun marinating in mud.


I mean what could be more fun than taking out your broke, homeless mother who's been dumped by your father.


I'm not saying that we make her live in a refrigerator box. I'm just saying that she needs to be busy.
