Cotton: What is it?! What's burning?!
Isaac: The Barkers. All of them. Burnt as witches!
Cotton: What?! By whose authority?
Increase: Mine.

  • Permalink: Mine.
  • Rating: Unrated

Cotton: Where are going? There's no one left to burn at this hour.
Increase: Watch your tongue boy. Do you think you're too old to be whipped by your father? [kisses Cotton on the cheek]

[to Alden] You're too late. I thought you were gonna save us, but maybe we just don't deserve savin'.


Mary Sibley. However dark the night, your eyes still shine so bright.


Mary: How long may we enjoy your curative presence in town?
Increase: Why, until every last devil's whore of a witch is dead.

Hale: He's not supposed to be here. So why is he?
Mary: He came to see what his son had accomplished.
Hale: And why is he staying?
Mary: He saw what his son had accomplished.

There are no words. Like a man who has seen the face of God. An awed silence is the appropriate response.


Casting stones. My good men of Salem, we've uncovered a witch.


Alden: You're drinking early this day.
Cotton: If you knew my father, you'd commend me for waiting this long.

Cotton I've been in search of you all morning. I should have realized you'd be someplace where whisky is served.


Alden: He's insane.
Cotton: On a good day.

Who among us is unburdened by shame or secrets that we hide from the world?


Salem Quotes

All the world shall be yours in return; all the world.


John: Judge not, lets ye be judged.
Sibley: Who said that?
Jesus. You might have heard of him.