All the world shall be yours in return; all the world.


Cotton: Pray for her.
John: I call bullshit. She's clearly touched in the head. She needs a doctor, not your prayers.

Isaac the fornicator. Hide your wives, hide your daughters, hell, hide your sheep!


Only a fool runs quickly to war or love.


There was a time when I might have suckled more than a toad.


Giles Corey built half this town and you threw him into a God damn ditch?


There can be no doubt. It is nothing more than a declaration of war upon us. By the devil himself.


Stop! Whatever that poor stone child may be, you are the true monster.


I don't think I've ever seen such a mixture of reason and bullshit in a man.


Why? Because this is the fulfillment of all our dreams. Vengeance for centuries of oppression.


Thieves have come to ransack the orphanage now that the town sees fit to hang its guardian.


John: Judge not, lets ye be judged.
Sibley: Who said that?
Jesus. You might have heard of him.

Salem Quotes

All the world shall be yours in return; all the world.


John: Judge not, lets ye be judged.
Sibley: Who said that?
Jesus. You might have heard of him.