Olivia: Tell me what you had.
Mama Pope: Girl, bye. I'm your mother, baby.

Olivia: Hi.
Fitz: What are you doing?
[Olivia laughs]
Fitz: Olivia. I specifically told you your mother was not to be released.

Hey, Livvie. Could you do me a solid and move a few seat to the right?

Mama Pope

You wanted a name. I'm going to do you one better. It's handled, baby.

Mama Pope

Fitz: I couldn't do it, Liv. You were right.
Olivia: I'm always right.

Fitz: The cameras.
Olivia: I don't care.

Jake: You're frustrated.
Olivia: I'm pissed.

Cyrus: What are you doing here?
Mellie: I need a date and you need a shave.

What is it? I'm late for the ball as it is.


Raise your hand if you've killed a Vice President.


You're not pure evil. You love them. You protect them, which makes this an easy choice for you.


Jake: This gets easier.
Olivia: Killing a patriot?
Jake: Being command.