Hello, I'm looking to activate my debit card.


Two hundred and nineteen missing girls is just an idea; people can ignore an idea. What we need is an individual, a poster girl, someone who can get the public's attention.


Olivia: I need you to look into Fitz. He's back, no warning. Shows up on my doorstep saying he's got some case he needs my help with.
Jake: And you think that's strange, a man who hasn't gone for three minutes, let alone three months, without wanting to see you?

So Olivia will help you find these girls and what? Trade in her B-613 horns for a halo?


Let's be clear about something, we are luring her into a cage.


My point is this case is not the bait, you are. You are her weakness. It is why I've always hated you with the passion of a thousand suns, and it's why I think you are her only chance.


It seems like all of your dirty laundry's aired. I mean, your ex-hubby has custody of your kid, for God's sake. You must have been a bad, bad, boy.


Olivia: How's Vermont?
Marcus: Cold. White.
Olivia: No, I mean how's Fitz in Vermont.
Marcus. Cold. White.

Olivia: So this newfound passion for finding missing black girls is just what? An excuse to see me?
Marcus: If it means that we're able to bring even one of these girls home, then who cares?

Fitz: Girls like Zoey aren't just being ignored by the justice system, they're being ignored by the press.
Curtis: So you're saying the media's to blame for these girls going missing?
Fitz: No, Curtis. I'm saying the media's to blame for them staying missing, and for the fact that the only reason Zoey's picture is on TV tonight is because a rich, white guy is sitting next to her mother right now.

Mellie: It's intoxicating, everyone always doing what I say. I started to think, I can do whatever I want, whomever I want, but that is exactly what they all thought; those old dead guys with their mistresses and their child brides. The pigs! And now, it's happening to me. It's a nightmare.
Cyrus: I never thought about it like that.
Mellie: Well, now you know. You're not the only one with issues around here.

Look at you! You're asking me for boy advice, your own father. That's how alone you are.
