Hello?! I need help! I need someone! If you can hear me, please? Hello?!


You? Are you out of you're freaking mind?


I am 700 months pregnant, it’s my wedding day, and you chained me to a wall?


I can’t let her win.


We’re all good people when someone gives us the chance to be.


There isn’t a person in here who hasn’t had to get their hands a little bit dirty at one point or another. Isn’t that right, Abby? I know that Huck — of all people! — isn’t actually the one who’s calling me a monster right now.


After everything Fitz has done, after everything that’s been done in his name, he’s not going to get up on his soapbox and judge me, is he?


Olivia: This is what ... an intervention?
Abby: Think of this as a second chance.

Mellie: Olivia murdered a head of State. Why?
Jake: Because you couldn't keep your damn legs closed. You were gonna go to war for that man. God knows what else you would done for him. Ending that threat was the right thing to do. Everything she's done has been support of you.
Mellie: Stop talking.
Jake: You may not see that now, Madam President, but I pro --
Mellie: Stop talking.

Olivia: What did you do?
Mellie: What I had to do.
Olivia: You had to make Jake your Chief of Staff? Please tell me ... after everything. Please tell me you are not this stupid.
Mellie: Stupid?
Olivia: And naive. And reckless. And foolish. But most of all, stupid.
Mellie: You wanna know what stupid would be, Olivia? Allowing myself to continue believing all of your lies. Proceeding to play this great game of pretend that you have so skillfully set up. I would be stupid if, for one more second, I actually trusted there is only us.

Mellie: You have to go.
Olivia: Don't do this.

Without the White House in her corner, we can put her away for good.
