Ms. Pope, our country is in crisis. Together, we can fix it.


Your skin tone and your measurements aren’t the reason people don’t like you. It’s you. You’re a bully, Annalise.


This isn't a kidnapping, it's an attack.


I don't know what's more offensive the fact that David's proposing to me or that he's doing it with a ring he bought at the mall.


That bastard's gonna propose to me.


What do you think "Don't trust the White House" meant? I used to be the press secretary. You use a phrase like "exploring all available options" to cover your ass. Because you've already made a decision — a bad one.


I know none of us would have chosen this ending for ourselves, which is why I hope we can think of it as an honorable one. Our sacrifice will help keep our fellow citizens safe. It will keep our country safe. We all have things to live for, this is something to die for. I'm proud to do that with all of you, my fellow Americans.


I know who you really are. … You’re at the top of the heap, and everyone knows who you screwed to get here. … She couldn’t see how disgusting this place is, and how you fit right in. She was better than you because she wouldn’t play this sick game. She followed you into the swamp and it sucked her under.

Alisha's Father

Jake: Clearly, I misread the situation.
Mellie: I am not starting an affair in the Oval with a subordinate. … I will not be another Fitzerald Grant and Olivia Pope. Nor am I interested in sleeping with someone who was slept with Olivia Pope.

Fitz: Did I cross the line?
Mellie: No, that was different. We crossed that line together.

You had me at ‘dismantling the patriarchy.'


We have a common Enemy. And whatever our differences, we put it aside for now.
