Rowan: You drank a whole bottle of the cheap stuff by yourself.
Olivia: It's not cheap, it just not snobby.

Olivia: Do we talk about this stuff? Let's not talk about this stuff. Even if we were normal...
Rowan: We're normal.
Olivia: In what context are we normal?
Rowan: We're not normal...
Olivia: Even if we were, normal people don't talk about...normal fathers and daughters don't...

Rowan: There's something about Jake that reminds me of myself at his age. I must admit that I wasn't the best at respecting the schedule of others, especially when the others were...lady friends.
Olivia: Okay, done.
Rowan: Sometimes you have to let a young lion roam free...
Olivia: So done!

Olivia: What if I'm supposed to be saving him right now instead of sitting here drinking wine with you?
Rowan: Olivia, what could possibly have happened to a man like Jake?

Your daughter is dead. Your wife is rotting in jail for a crime she did not commit. Enjoy your fruit.


Huck: I pinged all of Jake's IP interfaces for the last two days which landed me in a geo-location data stream. Then I ran that through my QR-9 knock off and from there it was easy. He might of been wearing a cowbell.
Olivia: There's not a single word in that sentence I understood except cowbell.

Oh, man. Oh my god, I am screwed. You have been waiting for this moment from the second I got in bed with her. I am here because of her. It doesn't matter what the truth is, does it? The only thing that matters is I put my hands where you think they don't belong and now I'm in chains.


Fitz: You killed my son. I am going to have you destroyed. I'm going to watch you fry in the electric chair and I'm going to have a party when it happens.
Jake: You are a decent human being. You are a good person. I know this because she loves you. If you were not a good person you would be down here pummeling my face in. I would not be in the possession of a government agency. I would be in a ditch somewhere. No one would be worried about the timeline of my food and drink. I would be in an unmarked grave by now.

[to Fitz] You're one of the good guys. She calls them White Hats. You don't think you are, but you are. It's why she loves you. I'm one too. It's why she loves me.


Jake Ballard is a predator, an animal, a killing machine. And just because you've decided to turn a blind eye to that doesn't make it any less true. So, your boyfriend--your other boyfriend--is currently being interrogated in the bowels of the Pentagon, where he will eventually confess to his crimes after which, it is my profound hope, he will be executed. And the next time you need me, the next time you want to chat, you will find me dancing on his grave.


[to Olivia] I just wanted you to be happy. That's all I ever wanted.


[to Mellie] We have to stop doing this to each other. We just have to stop.
