All these kids, they're my kids, and they may be brilliant but they learn from me too, and I can't get them to understand a concept like loyalty if I'm spending time with someone who went after one of the team.


Paige and I have been getting on better since we decided to be caring friends to each other, but I was concerned that I would eventually do something to mess that up, so I did research to avoid that.


Walter: It's not nonsense. It's the 8 Smart Steps Certain to Make a Perfect Pal.
Toby: Where did you get that, some stupid magazine? Holy Cosmo, you're getting relationship from a supermarket check out rag!

Walter: Happy is building up Ada's confidence and keeping her mind off her worries. It's textbook good friend technique.
Toby: Once this is all over, I'm getting to the bottom of your latest insanity.

Walter: People in dire straits often do better when distracted by conversation. It's one of those examples where you shouldn't give someone their space.
Toby: Where do you get this drivel?!

Cabe: You're a man of contingencies. What if biological warfare broke out. What would you do?
Sly: Freak the heck out!

Ada: What if I push it up and off from inside the bubble?
Toby: With something soft or it will hasten the puncture.
Ada: You think? Because I was just going to throw knives at it.
Happy: If we want any more obvious advice, you're our guy.
Toby: It's like there are two Happys.

Happy: O'Brien to your left a seven pound branch of ficus. Slide it up at 30 degrees, rotate it, and pull it down.
[Walter begins to slide up the branch.]
Happy: You call that 30 degrees!
Walter: You might consider calling her "snappy" because she keeps snapping at us.

Walter: Oh this is incredible. It's like a science experiment come to life.
Paige: Hi, I'm Paige. He didn't mean to reduce your life to a science experiment.
Ada: He must be Walter. Happy said that he was a wackadoodle.

You see what I just did? I asked Paige if she was okay. When she told me an obvious lie, and I let her be. She clearly doesn't want to get into it. I'm making progress. Good for me!


Scorpion Season 3 Episode 18 Quotes

Walter: Oh this is incredible. It's like a science experiment come to life.
Paige: Hi, I'm Paige. He didn't mean to reduce your life to a science experiment.
Ada: He must be Walter. Happy said that he was a wackadoodle.

You see what I just did? I asked Paige if she was okay. When she told me an obvious lie, and I let her be. She clearly doesn't want to get into it. I'm making progress. Good for me!
