Scorpion Season 3 Episode 18 Review: Don't Burst My Bubble

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I'm going to need Ada to be one of Happy's bridesmaids.

On Scorpion Season 3 Episode 18, Happy discovered Ada was in danger after she failed to respond to one of Happy's online messages. The moral of this story is internet friends should always look out for one another.

There are so many great things about this case. Happy being in charge and bossing everyone around is one of them. Happy getting a chance to shine is always enjoyable.

The Bubble Girl - Scorpion

She also managed to keep Ada calm while Team Scorpion did their job.

If there wasn't a personal connection between Ada and Happy, it very well could have been Paige that had that task. Instead, Happy did it, and she didn't even fully realizing that she was up until the team told her to keep it up.

This was such a huge moment for Happy. Hopefully, we continue to see Happy making new friends in the future.

The case itself was highly entertaining. Ada added a fun dynamic to the team, and her and her father, David, actually got to help out.

They were not just useless bystanders waiting on Team Scorpion to save them, which was nice. I'm not saying that they could have done it without Team Scorpion, but David and Ada were useful.

The one aspect of the case that was not so great was David's emotional conversation with Paige.

It was just a bit too much. Once we learned how long Ada had been in the bubble, it wasn't hard to think about what it had done to David and Ada's life. We didn't need to have it spelled out to us.

It was unnecessary.

It would have been more interesting to see David and Ada contribute more to the rescue mission or have other members of Team Scorpion interact with Ada and/or David on a more personal/non-case related level.

I know it sounds awful, but one of the highlights of the case was that there was this fear that Ada might die.

She could have easily been killed off.

Granted, it is Scorpion, and they aren't known for dark/heavy cases of the week, but Ada dying was a lot more believable than any situation where we were supposed to believe that a member of Team Scorpion would die.

You are on the edge of your seat as the case progressed, and once the plan became putting Ada in a room that was on fire, there were definitely some, "oh shit she's going to die," thoughts.

This suspense also worked because we were invested in Ada. Happy caring for her immediately earned Ada points.

Then when Ada started sassing Toby and calling Walter a wackadoodle, your heart was hers. Did you like Ada?

Ada: What if I push it up and off from inside the bubble?
Toby: With something soft or it will hasten the puncture.
Ada: You think? Because I was just going to throw knives at it.
Happy: If we want any more obvious advice, you're our guy.
Toby: It's like there are two Happys.

Happy's personal connection with Ada not only gave us some great Happy scenes, but it improved the case. The stakes were higher because Happy was emotionally involved, which caused us becoming emotionally involved. Did you enjoy the case?

Happy wasn't the only one showing off her friend skills. Walter continued to share his little nuggets of wisdom throughout the day, which puzzled Toby but delighted us.

Walter's so proud of himself for making progress on something that has baffled him for years. Who would have though that the answer was in a magazine like Cosmo all along?

Watching Walter make some progress (and being proud of it) brought a smile to my face. I was proud of him, and there was a strong urge to hug him.

Best of all, no one prompted him to work on his friendship skills.

Walter didn't, for instance, say something rude or insensitive to Happy, and her remark was what made Walter decide to work on his friendship skills. Paige didn't comment on how he needs to work on being a better friend.

No, Walter saw that being a good friend was something he needed to work on, and so he researched (aka read a magazine) and put what he learned into action. Then, he saw that his knowledge and actions produced positive results. 

Of course, the very best part about all of this was that Walter made this change so he wouldn't lose Paige.

Walter: Happy is building up Ada's confidence and keeping her mind off her worries. It's textbook good friend technique.
Toby: Once this is all over, I'm getting to the bottom of your latest insanity.

Is your Waige heart swooning? Mine definitely is.

Walter didn't study as an attempt to woo Paige. He did it because he didn't want to lose her as a friend.

He didn't have some ulterior motive; he didn't do it to get Paige to dump Tim and date him instead.

Walter was simply afraid that he might do something to ruin his friendship with Paige, and he studied to make sure that didn't happen.

This is an amazing way to progress Walter and Paige's relationship.

Walter showed how much he cared about Paige, and I'm sure Paige noticed that Walter went through a lot of trouble just to be a better friend to her.

What did you think of the episode? Did Cabe make the right call by dumping Allie? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Remember you can watch Scorpion online anytime via TV Fanatic.

Don't Burst My Bubble Review

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Scorpion Season 3 Episode 18 Quotes

Walter: Oh this is incredible. It's like a science experiment come to life.
Paige: Hi, I'm Paige. He didn't mean to reduce your life to a science experiment.
Ada: He must be Walter. Happy said that he was a wackadoodle.

You see what I just did? I asked Paige if she was okay. When she told me an obvious lie, and I let her be. She clearly doesn't want to get into it. I'm making progress. Good for me!
