Cassie: What if we can't get out from underneath their past? What if we're stuck just repeating their mistakes?
Adam: I don't believe that. Our fate is our own, to screw up however we want.

If you awaken the curse, someone in your circle will die.


No one is dying. It's just a story your great greats told their kids so they wouldn't have sex. It's an abstinence program at work.


It took a curse to figure out being with Adam was a colossal mistake?


John: Very creative, like your mother.
Melissa: I didn't realize you knew her that well.
John: Oh yeah, we spent hours in these woods and she showed me all the plants medicinal properties. You meant the world to her.

Cassie: Using dark magic is getting too easy.
Adam: But you stopped. That's because you and me are stronger than dark magic, or any of this.

If I used your power to do it, you can help me bring Lee back.


Faye: He's dead!
Eva: You're a witch. Do a spell. Bring him back to life!
Faye: I'm not God, Eva. I can't just make someone life. I unlock locks, and I cheat at cards and I get hot pizza guys and I can't even do any of that without someone helping me!

Cassie, there is no elixir that can make me forget how much I love you, not for long, I swear.


I remember every moment we spent together. But like it was in a movie. Someone else's amazing movie.


I'm grateful. That I never have to see Adam bat his lashes at her undersized head again.


Either Eben is grooming an army of idiots, or you're telling the truth about demons. And, honestly, I prefer the former.


Secret Circle Quotes

Oh for God's sake, spit it out! You're a witch. You're a full-blooded, hundred percent witch. We all are. There, done.


Cassie: Are you doing this?
Adam: We are.