This is infuriating. I cannot get my maps app to triangulate. Ahh but I can still receive updates for your so-called social network. And how is it you have 500 friends? I had only seven close companions. Four of them died, and those were good odds.


Cincinnatus was Washington's hero. He represented the idea that power should only be given to men who wanted it least.


You and I will choose our own destiny. We have free will. I choose to forge my fate with you.


I'm afraid there are no time for pleasantries my friends. I believe that on this day Moloch will seek to unleash hell on earth.


I have more than faith. I'm a mental patient with a gun.


Our surroundings may be an illusion, yet I assure you I am the genuine article.


We were chosen for this. To sacrifice ourselves so that humanity can endure, so that people can choose their destiny. It's my turn Ichabod.


Remember our bond. I will come back for you. Have faith.


I married a witch. How cool.


Parrish: Do you know the etymology of the word Apocalypse?
Ichabod: To disclose or reveal. Henry?
Parrish: That time has come.

This is our first family spat. You can't fathom how meaningless your words are to me. Now that the two witnesses are separated, there is nothing to stop breaking the second seal and fulfilling a promise made long ago to an old friend.


Now you'll know what it's like to lose faith. When it's gone you have nothing. When you have nothing, there is nothing holding you back from what you're capable of.


Sleepy Hollow Quotes

Abbie: Who is he? When's the last time you saw him?
Ichabod: When I cut off his head.

Police Detective: Do you admit to cutting off his head, yes or no?
Ichabod: Nooo. First I shot him, then he rose back up. Cutting off his head seemed the next logical step.