Let's just say Lana wasn't the one fated to be in Clark's life.


This has Lucy written all over it. In backstabbing, bitch-berry lipgloss.


Oliver: I made this bed. It's time that I sleep in it.
Chloe: You don't have to do it alone.

You cannot be a beacon of hope when you have darkness in your heart.


You know... sometimes you got to take your fun where you can get it. And sometimes... it's right in front of your face. You just have to want to see it.


Clark Kent if I wasn't late I'd kick your bulletproof ass right now.


Better to rule in Hell then serve in Heaven.


Jonathan: I know this has gotta be really hard for you. But you gotta just hang in there like we promised.
Clark: I'm sick of "hanging in there." All I want to do is go through high school without being a total loser.

Oliver: Should have known it was you. Clark Kent: the king of buzz kill.

I've got to hand it to you, Mrs. K--running Senate subcommittees by day, cooking rockin' meals by night. You put the "M" in "modern woman." Me, I put the "T" in "takeout."


Clark: This is the only peaceful way to eliminate the threat. Without a war, a war that no one will win... once the Kandorians are gone, there will be other threats to mankind. The world will need you. You'll have to work together to become the team that you were meant to be. I once believed that my destiny was here on Earth, but now you need to accept that destiny for me.
Black Canary: Clark's right.
Cyborg: We'll protect the world... as one.
Clark: It's been my honor to serve alongside each and everyone of you.
Hawkman: The honor was ours, Kal-El.

Chloe: Do me a favor, okay? Just keep a low profile.
Oliver: I'm wearing green leather, so I'll do my best.

Smallville Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."