Mr. Sullivan: Welcome to LuthorCorp, where we give a crap.
Chloe: Okay, somebody kill me now.

Trust me, Clark. Our friendship is going to be the stuff of legends.


Oliver: Should have known it was you. Clark Kent: the king of buzz kill.

Empires are not brought down by outside forces - they are destroyed by weaknesses from within.


Clark: Don't do this. I'm your friend.
Lex: Oh please. You think I don't see the way your parents look at me? The way half the town looks at me? You're no different. Friendship's a fairy tale, Clark. Respect and fear are the best you can hope for.

You can learn a lot from someone you hate.


I'm sorry, but I find geology even more pointless than algebra. I mean, I could just order these rocks online and have them delivered to my house vacuum-sealed.


Lex: Clark, you can't save the world. All you'll end up with is a Messiah complex and a lot of enemies.
Clark: I saved you, didn't I? That turned out all right.

Lionel: We don't need to play games, son.
Lex: Dad, games are all we have.

Zod: The apple is such a plain yet fascinating fruit.
Clark: What are you doing here?
Zod: You know, it was the apple that launched the Trojan War, one of the great epic battles of all time. And, in many religions here, it's the apple's fall from the Tree of Knowledge that represents the fall of Man. Now, I found that story quite interesting because it so aptly illustrates how humans hoard knowledge. Whereas our own Kryptonian religion... now, that teaches knowledge should be shared... by all.
Clark: I'm sure you didn't come here for a Sunday school lesson. What do you want?

Lex: It bothers you, doesn't it. That I'm not dependent on you anymore. I've made friends in Smallville, people I can trust.
Lionel: Don't be ridiculous, Lex, I'm happy that you're doing well.
Lex: No you're not. You're afraid I won't need you anymore.
Lionel: You'll always be my son. And you will always need me, Lex.

Amanda: Did you properly secure the detainee?
Tess: He had a hidden lock pick.
Amanda: The correct answer is "No, I did not properly secure the detainee!"

Smallville Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."