Chloe: I'm swearing off men.
Clark: We're not all bad.
Pete: Maybe you should just swear off heat-sucking horn dogs.

Sean: If you want I could rub them for you; nothing heats up the body like friction.
Chloe: Wow. I can't believe you just delivered that line with a straight face.

Martha: The distributer gets 12.5.
Jonathan: Feed bill over 6 months at 5%
Martha: Plus the mortgage at 8.2 plus the harvester repairs gives us...
Clark: (instantly) $54,501.38.

Smallville Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Clark: Maybe I can help.
Jonathan: You already have. Last season you saved us four part-time hands.
Clark: No, I'm thinking bigger picture. You know, forget about this whole high school thing and try out for a pro sports team. I could make a ton of money in endorsements. (off his parent's stern looks) Just trying to lighten up the mood.
Martha: Much as we'd love to see your face on a cereal box, we'd settle for you getting to school on time.

Clark: You deserved a lot better than Sean even before he...tried to kill you.
Chloe: That's sweet, I think.