I have to say the one thing I never could. Good-bye Dad. I promise to be the man you knew I could be.


People have these vigilantes all wrong. There is only one way for me to set the record straight. I am Green Arrow.


Maybe the Blur isn't the hero he thinks he is.


It's easy for people to see the powers and not the people behind them. I guess even heroes need someone to come home to.


You can save your holier-than-thou, made for TV platitudes and drown them in some holy water, mister.


Fifty bucks says the crack pot with the blur in his bonnet is gunning for a little attention.


Let's give these boys a taste of what's it like to mess with the Suicide Squad.


People need to see someone's heart to believe in them. We need to be inspired by people who stand out in the light, not people who shrink into the shadows. We need a good old American hero in red, white and blue. Or at least red and blue.


Guess our assassin never was after Hello Kitty.


With every great relationship, Lois, comes a great burden...and the strength to carry it.


You should really get yourself a bulletproof vest like me. We all think we're made of steel, but really we're just made of marshmallows.


And I thought those Sex and The City girls had gaudy taste.


Smallville Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."