Chloe: Ah, the sweet smell of freedom.
Clark: Chloe, you were in the hospital, not Alcatraz.

Just remember boys - you keep my secret, and I'll keep yours. [pause] And If you don't, you'll find out you're not the only ones who can reach through walls.


Martha: Hi, Clark. What are you doing?
Clark: (smashes some logs) Trying to make myself useful.
Jonathan: Hey ,son, we need firewood, not toothpicks.

Clark: The question is, how'd they get inside?
Pete: I don't know. Now stop channeling Chloe and come on.

(to Chloe) I look forward to resuming our verbal judo.


Clark Kent, investigative reporter - has a nice ring to it.


Lex: Clark, you can't save the world. All you'll end up with is a Messiah complex and a lot of enemies.
Clark: I saved you, didn't I? That turned out all right.

Chloe: You know, all this resting is driving me insane. These so-called "health-care professionals" just want me to stay in bed and eat jello.
Clark: Those fascists.

You're a teenager, Lana. Mercurial doesn't do you justice.


A man is judged by the quality of his friends. If the quarterback's with them, he'll have to face the consequences.


I think I know why Luthor didn't file that robbery report. Check this out. Ten to one, the poster-boy for Rogaine doesn't want anyone to know that he's tapped into his daddy's computer system.

Tattoo Freak

Oh no, not the Kent 1,000-yard stare.


Smallville Season 1 Quotes

Pete: Statistical fact: If Clark moved any slower he'd be extinct.

Jonathan: I know this has gotta be really hard for you. But you gotta just hang in there like we promised.
Clark: I'm sick of "hanging in there." All I want to do is go through high school without being a total loser.