You're going to die if you stay, all of you.


Scott: There must be something you want.
Ghost Rider: There is only the hunt. No one resists. No one escapes.

At the start of the year, Stiles was trying to find a place for you guys to live after graduation. He said you were getting an apartment together? And I remember saying something to Stiles, something like, 'it's not always a good idea to live with your friend, even your best friend.' Stiles said it wouldn't matter because you guys weren't just friends, you guys were more like brothers.


Derek: You faint at the sight of blood?
Stiles: No but I might at the sight of a chopped off arm!

Stiles: You believed him.
Scott: You trusted him too. Theo got to all of us.
Stiles: You don't even know the real story.
Scott: I don't need to. All that matters is your dad. Come on, Stiles. We survived an alpha pack, a dark druid, professional assassins. We can survive dread doctors and chimeras too.

I'm saying there's nothing we can do, legally.


This is how you wage war, Scott. A strategic positioning of your army against theirs, which is why you will come to me. You will try to save as many as you can, and you might even save a few, but your limited resources will be spread thin, and ultimately, you will fail. The dogs of war, Scott, they are coming for you.


Stiles is real. I know it.


If I read they book, why don't I have the full memory of my experience with them?


Sheriff: Melissa, I've set my badge aside a few too many times in the last couple weeks.
Melissa: Well, you may need to do it a few more considering what our kids get in to in their free time.

I knew when I brought you back it wouldn't be about saving lives. It would be about immortalizing your own.


Young lady, you need to clip your nails.

Elias Stilinski

Teen Wolf Quotes

I have a son. His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, but we call him Stiles. I remember. When Stiles was a little kid, he couldn't say his first name. I'm not sure why, it pretty much rolls off the tongue, but the closest he could was mischief. His mother called him that until...I remember when Stiles first got his jeep. It belonged to his mother. She wanted him to have it. The first time he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day. He was always getting into trouble, but he always had a good heart, always. We're here tonight because my goofball son because he decided to drag Scott, his greatest friend in the world, into the woods to see a dead body.


Malia: Alright. I'll ask. Who's Kate Argent?
Kira: [raising hand] Uh, I'd like to know, too.
Stiles: Well, we were at her funeral, so I'd like to know how she got out from a casket buried six feet under ground.