Dr. Jeffries: You ... you know you're describing a dog.
Leonard: He did bite me once.

Dr. Jeffries: W-why do you put up with Sheldon?
Leonard: Because we're friends.
Dr. Jeffries: Why?
Leonard: Wow. You ask really hard questions.

Penny: Ooh, that looks like fun.
Bernadette: Maybe you should master glue before you move on to fire.

Look who's here to put the Jew in jewelry night.


My dad says it's because the sound of my mom's voice makes him want to tear his ears off and sew them over his eyes so he never has to look at her again.


Bill Nye: That's interesting.
Dr. Jeffries: Haven't you stolen enough from me? Back up, bow tie!

Bill Nye: My show never would have happened without yours.
Dr. Jeffries: That's what I told my lawyers.

Sorry, I replaced you with a newer model.


Sheldon: No, go ahead, say it. I know what it is. I've heard it my whole life. The word's "annoying." Go ahead, say it. Say it. Say I'm annoying.
Amy: Sheldon...
Sheldon: Oh, it won't hurt my feelings. Go ahead, Amy, say I'm annoying. I'm annoying. I'm annoying. I'm annoying.

Dr. Jeffries: Hold on. You ... you have a girlfriend?
Amy: Hey look -- we're wearing the same orthopedic shoes. I can't believe I dress like a celebrity.
Dr. Jeffries: O-Okay, I get it now.

He'd probably still be living with his mom!

All [Singing about Howard to Bernadette]

Leonard: Is that a pregnancy test?
Penny: Oh, yeah, just the first one. I didn't save them all.

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Quotes

Howard: There's a party for incoming post-docs tonight. Go to it and meet someone who isn't made of grease or pie.
Raj: You think you're so cool because your wife is a person?

Sheldon: Even the dung beetle chooses to plot its course by using the Milky Way.
Raj: Is that true?
Sheldon: Everything I say is true. Now, of course, the dung beetle also enjoys eating fece, living in feces and making little balls out of feces. So, pick and choose which aspects of its lifestyle you want to embrace.