Value loyalty above all else.


What is it with you and hotel rooms and pens in people's necks?


Try a grapefruit gusher. It's just like you today, a little sour.


Revenge isn't a passion. It's a disease. It eats at your mind and poisons your soul.


What really matters is this. Here. Now. Nothing else is guaranteed.


Wisdom is learning the boundaries of one's designated lane.


These "friends" you mention, the ones whispering in the shadows -- tell them from me -- shut the hell up.


Cliches work. That's how they get to be cliches.


Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A priest, a eunuch and a pedophile walk into a bar…


Your witness is dead, you lost Lorca, and he took Agent Keen. I'd say my meeting with Lorca might be the equivalent of you falling on your ass and falling on a pile of Christmas.


Liz: You're not telling us everything.
Red: Let me put your mind at ease. I'm never telling you everything.

We all have the devil in us, Harold. But most of us have angels too.

Red [to Harold]
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The Blacklist Quotes

You have no idea who you're dealing with, Agent Ressler. You need to stand down.

Secret Service Agent

Did you hear me? I said I need his new name. Give it to me or I'll have the Miami Field Office tear your practice apart faster than you can say tummy tuck.
