Reddington: Don't look so glum, Harold. It's just cops and robbers. It has been all these years. Is Ressler on the chase? Let's have fun on the way out.
Cooper: What would you have me do?
Reddington: Catch me if you can.

I am what I am! You made a devil's bargain. Did you really expect me to stop being the devil?


Hudson: I need to put you behind bars!
Reddington: I've been. Several times. It didn't stick.

Hudson: It's clear to me by this intrusion that you have more power than any CI should.
Reddington: It's funny; it seems to me you have more power than any congressman should.

I can't justify the actions of my team to the very people who sanctioned that team, to begin with. If you want my badge, take my badge. I'm done apologizing.


It is my finding that task force 836 has reached a point where they are no longer working with Raymond Reddington but for Raymond Reddington. I truly believe you don't know which way is up anymore.

I'm off to chase the moon around the world.


The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 20 Quotes

It is my finding that task force 836 has reached a point where they are no longer working with Raymond Reddington but for Raymond Reddington. I truly believe you don't know which way is up anymore.


I'm off to chase the moon around the world.
