Gabriel: I just ran into Captain Raydor in the hallway and she said hello to me.
Provenza: She's up to something.

Fritz: As a liaison to the LAPD, I could pass on some highly confidential info to you. But you'd have to get back in bed with me for five more minutes.
Brenda: Five minutes? Well, this clearly isn't going to be about me.

He is wearing a BLUE HOODIE!


Brenda: What else do these eleven stores have in common?
Provenza: Other than free love and patchouli oil?

Delk: How old are you?
Provenza: Six chiefs and counting. Which is how I know that if you deal drugs, you vastly increase your chances you'll end up dead. I'm looow on sympathy here.
Delk: That's too bad. Because as of now, you're the LAPD liaison for the medical marijuana community for the rest of this investigation.

Provenza: You can't be serious?
Delk: Do I look high to you?

Tao: See Provenza? A lot of them aren't hippies!
Provenza: Yeah, well, I promise you Tao, in every one of their closets, somewhere, is a tie-dyed shirt.

Dispensary customer: What's better? The Razzmatazz or the Gypsies Dreams?
Sanchez: Razzmatazz flips you upside down and bends your mind with color, you know what I mean? But the Gypsies's more like I'm going to the supermarket, but really, I'm on an epic journey of self discovery kind of ride.
Gabriel: Ha, yeah, but they, they both get you pretty high.

Suspect: Uh, don't treat me like an idiot. I worked on a law show for two years.
Tao: Must not have been a very good one!

Brenda: And, for now, you get to be acting Chief.
Pope: Eh, livin' the dream.

Mr. Johnson: We're moving to LA!
Brenda: You're what?
Fritz: They're moving here, they're looking for a house in our neighborhood; isn't that exciting?!

If I liked being called a bitch to my face, I'd still be married.


The Closer Quotes

[To Sgt. Gabriel] I should probably explain that I do not form my relationships with people based on how they're treating you. That would be your mother, maybe.


If I liked being called a bitch to my face, I'd still be married.
