Pete: No bail for you. Murders, rapists, child molesters, and casino dead beats: no bail.

  • Permalink: No bail.
  • Added:

Zoe: He's cute.
Pete: Yeah, he's a damn liar.
Zoe: The cute one's always are.

He's a Mr. Know-It-All. He's a hot head. He's a pain in the ass!


Nick: I'll be "Meredith" and you be "you."
Pete: You're Meredith?
Nick: Yeah.
Pete: Yeesh, what the hell happened to your figure?
Nick: I stopped doing Yoga.

Stand up. Be a man and tell the truth. Just tell the damn truth!


That girl will screw you every which way she can.


Gun or no gun, jury's gonna love Joe Suburbs.


Doesn't this guy have a face you just want to punch?


You took him to a strip club? Sammy? A little early for the birds and bees isn't it Nick?


Sam, I think it's best we don't tell your mom about this.


This town was built on dirty money, Kaczmarek. Is that news to you?


Meredith: You're very sexy when you try to take on the system even though you know you're argument is going to lose.
Pete: Is that a challenge?

The Defenders Quotes

Pretend you're a professional.


Stop having your wife followed or I'll file a restraining order myself.
