Do you know when a panic room is truly useless? When the house around it is burning down.


Max: I'm fine, I don't need you to mother me.
Tom: Is that what I'm doing? Cuz that's gonna put a serious damper on our sex life.
Max: I think the bitch with a two by four already took care of that.

Sorry about your friends though. They're kinda dead.


You didn't think killing me was going to be easy, did you?


Oh wow, are you slow? Lady, you're already dead. It's really just a matter of how bad it's gonna hurt.


The shark is supposed to stay beneath the water.


Joe: Was he good? The sex? Did your body quiver to his every touch?
Claire: Yes. It did.

I will shoot you dead.


For this is the age of Joe Carroll, and my name will live forever.


I'm going to be really polite here and just say... go to hell.


This is the end. None of you are making it out of here. Not alive, anyway.


I don't believe in relationships. Someone always ends up dead.


The Following Quotes

Joey: Why is my dad such a bad man?
Emma: Maybe, he's not so bad. Maybe we just don't understand him.

Joe: Was he good? The sex? Did your body quiver to his every touch?
Claire: Yes. It did.