Salvation is ours through the redemption of others.


I just want to know that what I believe in is real.


Emma: So what is the plan?
Joe: Same as it's always been. To regain our legacy and live forever in infamy!

And if the good preacher wants a holy war, then, by hell, we'll give him one.


Ryan: On the ground! Now!
Luke: Aww come on, this ground is filthy man, come on.

I don't understand it. I try, but I don't.


Failure to obey me will result in your death and the death of everyone you hold dear.


Yeah, I mean, you know Ryan. He was never going to let you go.


Just know that I only want what's best for my uncle.


Joe: Lily, if you hurt her...
Lily: Oh, too late, that ship's sailed.

She was mine.


Mother is so looking forward to seeing you. She's baking a cake.


The Following Quotes

Joey: Why is my dad such a bad man?
Emma: Maybe, he's not so bad. Maybe we just don't understand him.

Joe: Was he good? The sex? Did your body quiver to his every touch?
Claire: Yes. It did.