You get health care?


All I know is that I love you. Say yes.


We've watched you climb. You've arrived. This is the top. This room. That desk. You can either stay or slide back down.

Justice Ryvlan [to Diane]

I've got the truth on my side and the truth always wins.


He was very litigious.


Alicia, you are saint Alicia. I know you don't like that, but you are. For tonight, go for it.


I think you know what you have to do.


Cary: Now what?
Alicia: I have no idea.

Usually when people say more prestige they mean less power.


Can you believe it? They might convict me for the one thing I didn't do.


We're not rebels. We're not gamblers.


You're pouting. It's unbecoming.


Good Wife Quotes

Alicia Florrick: The last time I was in Court it was 13 years ago.
Kalinda Sharma: Wow, I was twelve!
Alicia Florrick: Thanks.

Jackie Florrick: He needs you to forgive him, Alicia.
Alicia Florrick: He took everything I thought we had and he just put it out there.
Jackie Florrick: He didn't want that. The press...
Alicia Florrick: Oh, Jackie, stop it! Peter wasn't thinking of us.