I found condoms in your bedside table. I was looking for your letter opener. I thought maybe they belonged to Zach. You know, you found them in his room. But then I thought you wouldn't take them. You'd have a sensible conversation with him about responsibility. So then, I thought they were yours. But that didn't make sense because you have an IUD.


I've looked in the mirror and what I've seen I don't like.


Funny or Die has a skit about you. It's cool, I guess.


Will: We can't drop our class action.
Alicia: I know.
Will: There are 68 other couples just like them. (she gives him a look) Yes, it's about the firm, too. But we can't drop the class action.
Alicia: I understand.
Will: Don't you like this? Being a lawyer? Isn't it fun?
Alicia: It has its moments.

You just lost at craps, Will. You don't make a deal with the croupier; you just go home.

Patti Nyholm

Miss Nyholm, I get it. You're a mom. We're all impressed. Can we move this along now.

Judge Parks

You can't tarnish an entire firm based on one case.


There's probably less back stabbing [in jail] than in the state's attorney office.


You don't supervise my kids spontaneously. You don't take them to prison. You don't just try and phone me. You phone me. You respect me as a mother or you leave!


Diane: I... don't know. Should I be looking for something else?
Kalinda: Well, that's like asking the dentist whether you should brush.

The more you bond with these clients, the less helpful you are.


Jackie Florrick: He needs you to forgive him, Alicia.
Alicia Florrick: He took everything I thought we had and he just put it out there.
Jackie Florrick: He didn't want that. The press...
Alicia Florrick: Oh, Jackie, stop it! Peter wasn't thinking of us.

Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
