Diane: This is a power play, pure and simple.
Will: Nothing here is pure, and nothing here is simple.

"See I have a lot of friends I'm sure you do to but the only difference is my friends are not in homeroom. So I want you to listen to me, stop tweeting, if you tweet I will know you tweet and I will...have you seen drag me to hell? It will be just like that."

Eli Gold

Eli Gold: You know, you and I are going to be the best of friends, Mrs. Florrick. And you know why?
Alicia: I have no idea.
Eli Gold: Because you're cautious, and so am I. Your husband isn't.

Alicia, you're a good lawyer, but you're always waiting for people to give you things.


Alicia: I'm better than Cary. On the Broussard homicide. On the eyewitness cross. I've been working on this for three months, intensely, and Cary is just coming on.
Diane: I agree.
Alicia: You... Well, then, why? Why... why was I pulled off it?
Diane: I don't know. It wasn't my idea.
Alicia: Whose?
Diane: Will's.

I think I've just been visited by the Marlboro Man.


Will: Kids are excited?
Alicia: Yeah... but nervous.
Will: And you?
Alicia: Same.

Sometimes, I think justice would be better served with a coin fip.


Thank you for the Sarah Palin bio. The chapter where she brings big oil to heal? Just gripped.


15 years of doing this and I still can't tell who is innocent and who is guilty. Everyone is a mystery.


Will: You worried about Peter?
Alicia: I'm worried about everything.

Jackie Florrick: He needs you to forgive him, Alicia.
Alicia Florrick: He took everything I thought we had and he just put it out there.
Jackie Florrick: He didn't want that. The press...
Alicia Florrick: Oh, Jackie, stop it! Peter wasn't thinking of us.

Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
