Burk [to Miller}: Wow. There's a sight I never thought I'd see: Miller reading a book without a crayon in his hand.

Harry: I wonder, Fletch, if your time as Mate Jimmy on the great ship has turned you soft.
Fletcher: And I wonder, Harry, if months of eating dog has turned you feral.

Wolf [about Fletcher]: Good looking bloke, wouldn't you say?
Azima: Too pretty for my taste. I prefer a man who looks like he has taken a few punches to the face.
Wolf: Thanks. I think.

Greek admiral: You ask for our support, Greece gives you our confidence. You ask for fighters, we give you a warship. What, Dr. Vellek, what do you ask of my country now?
Vellek: More, Dimitrios. I'm asking your country for more.

Sasha [to Tom}: Tom Chandler, are you jealous? ... Speak of the devil.
Fletcher: And he shall appear.

Slattery: And a special thanks to Commander Fletcher for his role in helping to secure the seeds. Our nation owes you a great debt.
Fletcher: The feeling is mutual.

There's no way, no way, [Fletcher] could have played me this long.

to Tom}

Fletcher is still out there and so are the seeds. So we all know what our mission is.


Oh, God, Fletch! What have you done?


There's no way in Hell any man should have survived that storm. That MI-6 shit is no joke, huh? Tough as nails, man. Respect.

Giorgio [to Fletcher]

Sasha: Keep calm and carry on. That's my Fletch. Never a dull day on the Nathan James.
Fletcher: That's for sure.

Slattery: The seeds.
Doc Reyes: They're safe.
Slattery: Thank God.
Doc Reyes: No, sir, thank you.

The Last Ship Quotes

What do we tell the crew?
Chandler. Everything. We tell them everything.


Are you telling me the whole world is dying and they sent two people to save it?
