God, Giorgio. We are in the midst of a tectonic shift in the paradigm of human behavior. Now is not the time for you to think.


Miller: So what are we supposed to call him now? 'Hey, Tom!' 'Mr. Chandler.'
Green: I'd stick with 'Captain.'

Nolan: Nice trick, Warrant.
Sunshine: We shook them for now, but I'm going to have to stick up my neck to get up there.

Tom: Easy, Mike. We got the seeds. You can let go now.
Slattery: I want to go back! I want to go back!

How about this? I take my money and I put two in the back of your underdeveloped skull. Then I use my armada to wipe your tribe off the face of this planet.

Giorgio [to Omar]

Tom: Giorgio said he had some big plans for me today. Any idea what they might be?
Lucia: The labors of Hercules

Slattery: In all the gin joints in all the towns ...
Sasha: Why am I not surprised?

If it were up to me, I'd cry havoc, and slip the dogs of war back on the leash and get them back protecting the sheep, do you know what I'm saying?.

Vellek [to Tom]

Tom: Considering nothing's growing, that's a lot of money for some seeds.
Lucia: Says who?

  • Permalink: Says who?
  • Added:

Giorgio: Tell me, Omar. Do you enjoy watching two men beat each other to death with their bare fists?
Omar: I do.
Giorgio: See? We're not that different after all.

Tom: We've come a long way. I didn't realize Giorgio's power stretched this far.
Lucia: You'd be surprised.

Lucia; You don't need to take it so personally, Giorgio. We're just ...
Giorgio: Questioning my every move.
Lucia; Anxious to move forward.
Giorio: You people, you're just no fun ... AT ALL!

The Last Ship Quotes

What do we tell the crew?
Chandler. Everything. We tell them everything.


Are you telling me the whole world is dying and they sent two people to save it?
