I would never promise that. All I've wanted in my life is to abandon all my friends for a boyfriend.

Danny: Mindy, I have somthing really important I need to ask you. Would you like some more apple pie?
Mindy: That's even better than what I thought you were going to ask me.

You're just two basics having a bitch-fest.


Are you "Parent Trapping" us? Are you the Lindsay Lohans?


I will not be slut-shamed in an optomologist's office.

Let's leave God out of this. I told him you were my assistant.


My office only has one entrance and I don't know if that's good enough for you anymore.

I can't go back to England. I've forgotten all the words.


Danny: You know I'm annulled.
Mindy: That's only in the eyes of God. That means less than nothing.

I can never repay to and don't plan to.

Tax evasion is a serious crime. You're stealing from America. Are you proud of yourself? You're stealing from the Grand Canyon. The Liberty Bell.


Are you from McFadden Steakhouse? Did you find my shoe?

The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
