Phlebotomy gotta be a lotta blood snot and pee. My dude is premo when he's drawin that hemo, he found that vein like that fish found Nemo!


Oh my god did my tuition check bounce? Sometimes they don't take those Hunger Games checks seriously, but I get such good Mockingjay points.

I'm Mindy Lahiry M.D. you stupid bitch!

He looks like an example photo at the barber shop.


Mindy: You're looking very Christmasy
Morgan: Yes I am.

Danny please don't throw twenties at me like I'm doing lap dances.

Fine just have the party at your Hello Kitty dorm room.


Oh Mindy you know how you get at Christmas parties. Last year you passed out inside the food drive box.


Why do hospitals always have the ugliest posters?


Im not mediocre looking like you. What about going to England? Forget about that! I'm too tan, they'll be merciless!


That's leadership isn't it? It's making swift decisions with handsome faces.


Mindy are you forming a dread lock?


The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
