John: I trusted you like a father and you used me. Don't you get it? I lost everything that day.
Jedikiah: You were just a boy looking for a family. That's what you'll always be.
John: You don't get to decide what I am.

I broke out before you were born, boy.

The Founder

Oh God, he's even creepier when he's happy.


John: Sorry about the jaw.
Stephen: What jaw?

Ultra guy: Your kind can't kill.
John: Wanna bet?

It's can't be done, it's like farting and sneezing at the same time. Scientifically impossible.


John: What exactly are you saying, Stephen?
Stephen: You have to try and kill me.

The whole reason you guys tracked me down was so that I could find him. So either you believe that I'm the chosen one or you don't.


Morgan: What's going on, where is everyone?
Cara: We're getting ready to kill Stephen. Don't ask.

Devil's advocate. If Stephen's wrong, you'll have killed two Chosen Ones.


This ability you've been hiding. It may feel evil, but today it is a gift.


Luca: You slept with Mrs. D'Amico?
Stephen: It was an accident.