Stefan: You shouldn't be here.
Elena: Where else would I be?

Klaus: I see they've opened the doors to the riffraff now.
Damon: Honey, I've been called worse.

Caroline: Why are you trying to fix me?
Caroline's father: So I don't need to kill you.

Let's go and find someone to pair it with.


They all had a chance to choose a side. I chose the right one.


It's an antique, Damon. Like you.


It came to me in a dream. I was naked. You would have loved it.


You know you were dreaming about me.

Damon [to Elena]

Bringing back memories of the good old Ripper days?


You're not a lost cause, Ric. You're just...lost. But so is Jeremy. And so am I. Our family is gone. We don't have anybody. I'm sorry, but you don't have anybody either, so...we're kind of it for each other.


When I drag my brother back from the edge and deliver him back to you, I want you to remember the things you felt when he was gone.


Even in his darkest place, my brother won't met me die. I figure I owe him the same in return.


The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Quotes

Damon: She's lonely, desperate.
Caroline: Clearly. She slept with you.

I say go with the black. It makes you look all villainy.
