Only an Al-Fayeed can save you now.


I feel like I can deal with the details of life, I can get things done, but, the emotional stuff? I'm just having a hard time figuring that out.


I have given you everything, Jamal. But all you ever do is think about yourself. Jamal wants, and Jamal needs.


Did you find my Lady Al Fayeed trust?


Ahmed: If you had gassed them, just so you know, I would have said it was the right thing to do. It's what I would have done. After what they did yesterday, I think they deserved it.
Jamal: We don't gloat, Ahmed. Not over the death of innocents. Not even when they are the enemy.

Daliyah: My son won't replace yours.
Barry: No, of course not. That's, um...That's way too big. But this is... This is small. This is something I can do.

Tucker: The US is not in the business of regime change.
Bassam: Say that again with a straight face.

How can you be sorry and guilty at the same time? Tell me, because I am curious. Or does repeating a lie often enough make it the truth, even to you?


I wanted to believe you. I wanted us to be different. Not like your father. This is not how it was supposed to be for us. I wanted to be loved by my people. I wanted to be a mother of a country. Now look what you did! We can never make it right, we can never put it back, Jamal.


Without family have nothing. Without family we are nothing.


Think I couldn't have used a Pasadena every once in a while?


All violence brings is more violence.


Tyrant Quotes

Check out Grandpa on the billboard.


Barry: Just promise me we'll come back.
Molly: What? Very funny.