Vote Archie Rodriguez, an A Rod you can believe in

Ignacio [reading shirt]

Betty: Are you sure this is the best way to deal with your feelings?
Christina: Well I did consider throwing a dart at the real thing, but she's so damn fast in those heels

Daniel: Everyone's staring at me
Betty: That's because you're supposed to be a waiter and you're standing around in a $10,000 Prada suit eating cookies
Daniel: It's two years old!

Betty [about Wilhelmina's baby]: You're so good with him
Christina: Who knew? I thought my only maternal instinct was nursing a bottle of whiskey

Amanda: Apparently anything leased or considered non-essential has to go
Delivery Guy: I'm looking for Betty Suarez
Marc: Do you need any help loading her on to the truck?

Betty: For the record, I decided the limo treatment doesn't suck
Matt: Also for the record, I'm not a limo guy. I just thought it'd be fun since... it's Tuesday?
Betty: Tuesday, now officially known as limo day. Seriously, Matt, stop pampering me
Matt: Damn, there goes hot air balloon Wednesday

Matt: Betty, this will be the first time I have ever been with a woman I really care about. So technically you are my first
Betty: Aww, that's so corny... and sweet

Amanda [about Betty's makeover]: The key is to come at your target using all six senses: sound, smell, taste, touch, sight and style

Betty: Okay Mr prodigy piano guy... how's this one? [sings]
Matt: That's it, that was a perfect A Flat
Betty: Shut up you're a bad a liar
Matt: No, I'm not lying. I'm just still deaf in this ear from when you did your C Sharp

Justin: Mom, do I really have to go camping with grandpa and Elena?
Hilda: Yes. Elena's nephews are dying to meet you
Betty: ...and they planned the whole thing with you in mind
Justin: If they planned it with me in mind, we'd be at a spa with mud baths and ginger facials
Hilda: You're going! There'll be plenty of mud

Betty: You know you don't always have to bring me back to Queens
Matt: Well that's where my queen lives

Well I know I'm gonna hate myself in the morning but I'm going to treat myself to one more new potato


Ugly Betty Season 3 Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.