Sammi: I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!
Ronnie: This is why I cheated on you in Miami!

I can't do this. This is the seventh day we've fought in a row. How about you do you and I'll do me?

You played me out!

[to Sam] You are my life.

I need someone who understands what I'm going through.

I was just starting to find myself and then [Sammi] walked through the door and I was like FML.

I'm done you're done we're done I'm done you're done, done done done. Like, I don't even know at this point!

Your hand was in the f*%kin' cookie jar, how are you gonna sit there with the crumbs on your lip and be like, I didn't eat the cookie!

[to Sam] Let me prove it to you. I'm not the same person.

So go home. Go back home. Go back home and talk to Arvin.

You're embarrassing me. You're embarrassing yourself ... Stop, because I will yank the phone right out of the wall and you won't be able to get in touch with me.

Now I know how she felt in Miami. Well, not really, but I got a taste of how she felt in Miami.

Ronnie Magro Quotes

Mike would bang a Gatorade bottle if it had a pulse.


I was trying to put you in the equation. Like, you, in the equation!
