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Claudette spruces up her apartment and chats with Mrs. Grover on the phone. Jharrel arrives, checking in on her, and she lets him in. Claudette gives him a tour, including her darkroom, and he is impressed. She says she wants a job, and he says he can hook her up with something.

Shanice confronts Andre about Mariah's involvement in the hospital breakout. It's apparent that Andre is sick -- he came down with something after the "visit" to Ypsi Med. LaDonna arrives, asking for help with the files that they retrieved. 

At lunch, Shanice, LaDonna, and Keisha discuss the latest development -- the government will allow any 4400 to stay at the hotel, and provide them with stipends and supplies, provided they sign a contract. Shanice says she will comb through the contract. LaDonna and Shanice leave Keisha to foot the bill.

At work for the 4400, Keisha and Jharrel notice that those with contracts seem to have privileges. Keisha says she will be having dinner with Jessica and may be able to get some information.

Claudette starts working at the bar, mostly cleaning and prepping. Barney, the host, is ignoring some ladies, and they ask Claudette for a gin and tonic. She offers them something better.

FLASHBACK: Claudette, in the 1950s, with a group of women discuss a recent bombing by the KKK. One woman, Barbara, says that they as women don't do enough, and they should participate in the protests. She cites Claudette's photos as a powerful piece of the movement.

Andre is feverish and delirious, looking for ice. He bumps into Tim, a security guard. When Andre touches Tim, the guard collapses in pain, his bones breaking.

Andre goes to Shanice, telling her that he believes he has a power, and about what happened with Tim. He theorizes that he felt ill after healing a guard at Ypsi Med and now only feels better after passing that pain on to Tim. 

LaDonna gets a call from her mother but doesn't pick up. LaDonna approaches Soraya and asks her to help build a computer from scratch. Soraya reluctantly agrees.

Claudette continues to work into the evening. The security guards from the hotel are all having a drink. They inform her that Tim is in serious condition. Ken, one of the security guards, tells Barney about Claudette's powers. Barney and the guards leave her alone.

Mrs. Grover shows up and gives Claudette some congratulations and comfort.

FLASHBACK: Claudette works in his darkroom. Her husband, Jimmy, is pleased with the photos, but Claudette is more concerned about the safety of their people. She wants more action rather than protests. He tells her she should be grateful for what he lets her do. 

Soraya and LaDonna assemble a computer. LaDonna says she wants to stay with her father rather than her mother, but she can't get hold of him. She reflects on their relationship and how she was always a daddy's girl. Soraya tells LaDonna that the 4400 are good friends to her. 

Jharrel checks up on Ji-Eun. Ji-Eun says she was hoping for a printout of the contract she signed. The Reverend shows up, reminding Ji-Eun that she has him to turn to, and takes her to prayer service.

Mrs. Grover shows Claudette some newspaper clippings, including an obituary of Barbara, who went on to be a leader in the Black Panther organization. Mrs. Grover assures Claudette that women's voices are more part of the movement than they used to be. 

FLASHBACK: JImmy talks about their next course of action. Claudette takes over, saying they should strike against the Klan. Jimmy tries to silence Claudette, but the others want to hear from her. Claudette continues, suggesting they bomb the Grand Wizard's house. Jimmy quotes Bible verses and insists on being peaceful.

As Claudette takes out the garbage, she runs into Shanice and Andre. They ask Claudette for her help in an "experiment." Andre goes to cut Shanice but can't follow through, so Claudette obliges. Andre heals Shanice and transfers the wound to Claudette, who then heals herself, confirming Andre's powers. 

Keisha and Jessica go out for dinner. Keisha apologizes for flaking out on her. Keisha tells her that the 4400 are not dangerous, but Jessica insists she has experienced otherwise and that their bloodwork suggests they are not entirely human.

Keisha keeps asking questions, and Jessica responds with disappointment that Keisha is not more supportive. Jessica states that she is done, and she gets up and leaves.

Andre, Shanice, LaDonna, and other 4400 show up at the bar. Barney is uncomfortable and tells them all to leave, saying he has the right to refuse service. The owner shows up, Jharrel at his side, and fires Barney for being a bigot. 

Shanice, LaDonna, and Andre celebrate Claudette's victory over Barney. The owner promotes Claudette to bartender. LaDonna notices the vibe between Andre and Shanice and leaves them alone.

Andre tells Shanice that he has confidence in his powers as long as she is with him. Shanice is still uncertain.

Claudette thanks LaDonna for being there for her. They hug. LaDonna gets emotional, thanking Claudette for including her. Claudette invites LaDonna over for a girls' night, and LaDonna accepts the invitation. LaDonna receives a call from her father.

Soraya approaches Keisha and tells her that she's into her. Keisha tells her she just broke up with her girlfriend. Soraya continues to flirt.

Jharrel gives Claudette a gift but tells her to open it later. She makes him a drink, and their hands touch. She thanks him for the job. 

At the hotel, Andre apologizes for not telling her about Mariah's involvement in the breakout. Shanice accepts. She apologizes that he was hurt hearing her say Logan's name in her sleep. He says he doesn't care. She is confused. He confesses that he doesn't know how to act with her in this era, because he only wants to be with her. Shanice kisses him.

Later, Claudette closes up the bar. She opens her present from Jharrel -- a framed one-dollar bill. He shows up, accidentally startling her. He says he wanted to make sure she was safe, and she kisses him. 

Keisha and Soraya make out and head back to Soraya's room, progressing their physical relationship further.

In the morning, Andre goes to visit LaDonna but finds her gone. LaDonna has left a note on her computer, which Andre turns on. A video of LaDonna plays, telling him that Soraya will help whenever he needs it and that this is her goodbye. 

Shanice talks to Jharrel and Keisha. She explains that the contract is actually a trap to put people under conservatorship. 

FLASHBACK: Jimmy confronts Claudette in her darkroom. He tells her that he's sending her to a place where she can be treated for her "divergent thinking." She apologizes, pledging her loyalty and silence to him. Claudette cuts her leg on her table as she pushes it against the door. A flash of green light takes her before Jimmy and the hospital workers come in. 

Claudette works in her new darkroom to develop the files. 

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4400 Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

I've known these people for, like, half a season of television.


Worry about your own love life. Oh, that's right, you don't got one.
