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Mariah has grand plans for Hayden, but he appears lost in thought.

Hayden has a vision of Mildred being injected in the neck by Agent Tanner and soldiers marching through the hospital. Mariah is unfazed, believing visions to be signs from the universe. Logan comes in to tell them breakfast is ready and tells Hayden he'll take him to the hotel after for his "check-in."

Mariah wants to help Hayden rescue Mildred, but only if her father never finds out. 

Jharrel and Keisha discuss the shabby way the 4400 are being treated -- get "evicted" from the hotel with merely a stipend and housing. Jharrel is still in shock that superpowers are real. Keisha reassures Jharrel that she doesn't want to tell the government about the superpowers -- she believes it's not just Claudette. 

Andre and LaDonna discuss their plans for release. Hayden shows up, asking for help, saying it's been two weeks since Noah and Mildred were taken. He tells them about his vision. Andre isn't keen on it, as he wants to be released, and LaDonna tells Hayden that Keisha found out about Claudette's powers.

FLASHBACK: Hayden, in the 1930s, is described by his Uncle Otis as an "odd duck." Hayden's mother defends her son and gives him a hug. He asks her to play chess with him. She helps him calm down but then tells him she is too busy to play with him. He tells her he can play against himself, and she praises him for his problem-solving. 

Back in the present, the Reverend finishes up a service. One woman, Ji-Eun, thanks him for bringing her back to God. Shanice asks Rev if he's seen Andre. He says no, and then asks her advice about how he and some of the others might be able to stay at the hotel. Shanice is surprised, but the Reverend tells her that just because the solution works for her doesn't mean it works for everyone. Shanice tells him that they couldn't kick them out if the hotel were considered a church.

LaDonna tells Andre he needs to take responsibility for Mildred and Noah being at Ypsi Med. Andre says LaDonna needs to take responsibility for leaking the video. They both agree Hayden seems different, and they should listen to him. Hayden returns, telling them the first part of the plan is reconnaissance.

Jharrel takes Andre to Ypsi Med, where Andre marvels at the modern medical technology, taking many photos.

Jharrel tells the nurse at the desk that he has brought Andre for a shadowing appointment. He also asks to see Noah and Mildred, but the nurse informs him that they are in the East Wing, but 4400 are not allowed visitors. Jharrel explains he is a caseworker, but this doesn't make a difference. She gives him passes and a form to fill out.

Andre sees Miguel, the 4400 doctor, heading into a locked area.

Mariah shows up at the hotel with patient scrubs for Hayden, nurse scrubs for Andre, thumb drives, two-way radios and earpieces, and a labradorite necklace for Hayden. She wants reassurance that Shanice doesn't know about the plan and that this mission is totally necessary. Hayden insists that it is, saying he knows what happens at hospitals.

FLASHBACK: Hayden's mother returns home, telling Hayden she has a distributor for her baked goods at last. She realizes he hasn't eaten his food due to his sensitivity to certain textures. She tells him he needs to learn how to advocate for himself. She bakes a delicious dessert, explaining how it's a lot like problem-solving. 

Andre returns to Hayden and LaDonna, telling them he saw Dr. Miguel at Ypsi and recorded video of him punching in the door code. LaDonna reviews the footage, which was on selfie mode. Hayden suggests that since Andre saw Miguel punch in the code, even if he can't remember it, Shanice could look into Andre's memory to retrieve it. Andre reluctantly agrees. 

Keisha and Shanice meet at the bar. Shanice tells Keisha about the church community and how they want to stay at the hotel. Keisha tells Shanice that she knows about Claudette's powers. Keisha believes that more of the 4400 have powers, and she wants to help but needs more information. Shanice says they will be fine on their own and leaves. 

Andre and Shanice meet in the courtyard. Andre tells her that he, Hayden, and LaDonna plan to rescue Mildred and Noah from Ypsi Med. Shanice tells him it's a bad idea -- Keisha has been asking about their powers. Andre explains that Hayden had a vision, and now Andre needs Shanice to find a door code in his memory.

Shanice takes his hands and searches his mind. She gets the code but also sees the memory of Andre covering her with a blanket and her calling him Logan in her sleep. Andre pulls away. Shanice tries to apologize, but Andre asks her simply to write down the code. He thanks her and quickly leaves.

Keisha and Jharrel have breakfast and discuss their options. Jharrel notes that the East Wing of Ypsi is impenetrable. Keisha suggests that she speak to her girlfriend, Agent Tanner, to see if she can get more info on Mildred and Noah. 

Andre, Hayden (on a stretcher), and LaDonna (in an illusion disguise as Dr. Miguel) get through the chartreuse door with the code. They find themselves in a strange hallway without cameras or windows. LaDonna goes off in search of Miguel's office, and she gets into his computer after a facial scan.

Andre and Hayden find a room to hide in, but Hayden starts having a panic attack, seeing the restraints and how similar the room is to his previous experience. Andre urges him to calm down. Hayden recalls the horror he had to endure after his mother died and he was placed in a sanitorium. Andre helps him calm down, reminding him that Mildred and Noah need their help.

LaDonna comes through on the earpiece to tell them she has acquired the map. Hayden and Andre continue the mission.

Outside the hospital, Mariah waits in the car when a police car pulls up beside her. Mariah starts recording. The policeman knocks on her window, asking for her license and registration, saying her tags are expired. She asks to make a phone call.

Inside, LaDonna directs Andre and Hayden while downloading files to the thumb drives. Hayden realizes this is the hallway from his vision, and he pulls Andre back just as some armed soldiers go by. LaDonna tells them a different direction to go. 

Hayden and Andre head down the hall and peer into various rooms -- in one, there is a woman with wings chained to the ground. In another, there is a man on fire who is being showered with water. 

Andre and Hayden lose connection with LaDonna. They spy two arms guards, so Andre does a bird call. The guards go to check on the "bird-lady," leaving the coast clear. Suddenly, Mildred is wheeled out on a stretcher, tied down, screaming, with a heavy mask over her head.

Agent Tanner appears, takes the injection gun from the guards, and tells them to leave. They do so, and she reveals herself to be LaDonna. Hayden and Andre release Mildred from her restraints. When another guard appears, she uses her telekinesis to throw him against the wall and break his arms.

LaDonna resorts to injecting Mildred in the neck -- just like in Hayden's vision -- because Mildred could easily have killed the guard. Andre checks on the guard and watches his arms slowly heal. With Mildred now unconscious, the four of them escape. 

LaDonna (illusioned as Agent Tanner) pushes Mildred in a wheelchair, and Andre pushes Hayden. They emerge from the hospital to find Keisha arriving. Keisha is surprised to see Jessica until she realizes it's LaDonna. Mariah returns with Logan and Keisha, stunned, lets them go. 

The Reverend leads a service while Shanice livestreams. The Reverend explains that God has chosen the 4400 for a special mission. He states that the hotel will be a sanctuary for any and all 4400 who wish to join them -- the government cannot stand in their way. Bill Green watches. 

Jharrel finds Keisha and tells her that Keisha is on her way to Ypsi Med to visit Mildred and Noah. Shanice rushes out of the hotel only to find them all returning -- Andre, Mildred, LaDonna, Hayden, Mariah, and Logan. Hayden takes responsibility, and Logan defends his parenting. 

Mariah and Mildred  have a chance to talk. Mildred mentions how horrible her experience was in the hospital. Hayden shows up, and both girls remark on his strength of character.

Shanice and the Reverend have a chat, but Mr. Green interrupts them. He asks the Reverend if they could talk further about being mutually beneficial, and they go off together, leaving Shanice alone.

With Mildred still passed out, Keisha and Jharrel dig into Andre, Hayden, and LaDonna for their risky behavior. Keisha says they need to keep the government from discovering their powers, but Andre tells them that the government already knows. Hayden explains about the restraints they saw being used. LaDonna asks Keisha and Jharrel to help them. 

FLASHBACK: Hayden's mother leaves him for the first time, assuring him that he has all the tools he needs to succeed -- alone.

Mildred escapes out of the secret passage. Hayden greets her with a bag of her things. She tells him she has to go alone, which he respects, saying he can be alone now, too. They hug. She asks him, "Do I save her?" and Hayden sees a vision of what looks like Mildred entering through the passageway with several other people in heavy tactical gear. He doesn't let on what he has seen but urges her to be safe.

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4400 Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

What would I say anyway? A 50s housewife is Wolverine?


It's not my fault you're a messy time-traveling doctor who lives for drama.
