Arrest at a Scene  - 9-1-1: Lone Star
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Wyatt is making a slow recovery trying to regain use of movement with everyone, including his mother supporting him.

They're hopeful when he says that he has itchy ankles because it means that he'll be feeling them.

Gabriel shows up at Tarlos' apartment and says that everyone at the ranger's office is talking about how Carlos took than an organ trafficking ring. Gabriel says he can become a Texas Ranger.

Carlos is reluctant about it because it feels like nepotism to him even though Gabriel says it isn't nepotism and the head of the rangers wants him.

But Carlos expresses that he has issues with the Texas Rangers motto and the history of them harassing and killing brown men like them. Gabriel feels like Carlos has been ashamed of him all this time and that he's an uncle tom of sorts.

A man panhandles a woman and when she gets money for him holds her at knifpoint and then steals her car while her daughter is in the car.

The gang try to get TK to resolve the issue between Carlos and his father.

The firefighters help Obrien slow the carjacker dcown but then he veers into a pool and they have to go save the baby. Owen goes in to save the baby

IT's a close call with Piper but then she's alive.

TK arranged for Andrea to meet Carlos for lunch. She talks about all the work Gabriel did to integrate the rangers and diversify it.

Judd gets an update from Marlene about Wyatt and Wyatt could never walk again. Tommy comforts Judd when he tells her the news, and he's emotional about trying to work up the nerve to tell him about his update.

Wyatt gets emotional about needing to do ouccupational therapy for three months and all.

Judd suggests that Wyatt stay with them for his care because he doesn't want to  send him to a rehab facility.

Judd says he'll quit his job to take care of Wyatt. So Grace agrees.

Carlos goes to visit his father and is realizing that he doesn't know him as well as he thinks he does. He apologizes for how they left things.

Carlos asks his father to be his Best Man.

Judd shows up at Owen's to tell him about the Wyatt situation and that he has to quit. Owen tells him not to do it but Judd is insistent. He calls Judd his best friend when he introduces him to his family as they just arrive.

Owen gives an emotional speech in TK and Carlos' honor.

Robert says that he told his kids about things. Th kids have handled things well and been doting on him. But Robert's disease is still progressing rapidly, it's getting harder for him to swallow.

Gabriel tries on his tux and shows it off to Andrea. He answers the door when the doorbell rings and he gets shot in the chest.

He's killed. Everyone attends his funeral. Tommy offers Andrea comfort at the repast.

Gabriel's boss gives Carlos Gabriel's badge. He asks if they made any progress in finding out who did it.





9-1-1: Lone Star
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 17 Quotes

Gabriel: Sounds like you're calling me a Tío Tomás.
Carlos: No, I didn't say that, Dad. I do understand the desire to be accepted by people who have historically rejected you. Gabriel: And can I ask you how long you've felt this way?
Carlos: The legacy of the Texas Ranger isn't exactly a secret, Dad.
Gabriel: No, I mean how long you've been ashamed of me.

Judd: They say it's a 99% chance that he could never walk again.
Tommy: Hey, 99 ain't 100.