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  • Delilah and Charlie return home. 
  • Steven got the job two-hours away in Lenox, and Darcy plans to relocate there. Gary says they can make the long-distance work. Darcy seems hesitant about that. 
  • Tyrell picks some things up from his old apartment and talks to a Mr. Mills who he originally thought was the one who called ICE on his mother. But apparently that wasn't the case.
  • Katherine reaches out to Alan who hasn't called her back. 
  • Eddie drops by to pick up his tools so he can do some house work for Delilah, but when Theo wants to come, he leaves it up to Katherine to say no, and she gets mad at him for always making her the bad guy. It's tense between them.
  • Rome feels some way about Tyrell not calling him his foster dad.
  • Eddie is spending time with Charlie and Danny is staying behind. Delilah offers to be there and support him whatever he needs, and after seeing that and a joke Gary made about the two of them hooking up, Danny is put off. 
  • Maggie and Sohie go to the Gregorys to get Layla's diary in hopes that it can help corroborate Sophie's story about Peter, but Georgia Gregory is angry and refuses.
  • Christopher gives it to them anyway and wants to fight for his daughter in a way he didn't know he had to do before.
  • Katherine spends the day with Theo showing him that she's the fun parent. He expresses gratitude for all the things that she does for all of them.
  • Eddie and Danny talk about the affair. 
  • Gina tells Sophie how proud she is and they all head into the police station, but when a cop bumps into Gina, she has flashbacks to the protest, and she has a panic attack. Maggie comforts her.
  • Sophie talks to the cops with Delilah beside her, but when she shows them the picture she sent Peter, it gets dicey.
  • Alan won't give up the name of his client to Katherine to help her with Someday.
  • Gary confesses to Maggie that he doesn't like it when people are unhappy because they leave. 
  • tyrell reaches out to his mother's partner, Kyle, who he was close to for an interview, but he finds out that Kyle took the job Tyrell's mother was going for, and it sounds like he proabbly reported her to ICE to get the job.
  • Danny tells Eddie about a boy named Milo he likes. Charie says daddy. 
  • The cop makes it seem like he doesn't believe Sophie and her Layla proof isn't enough either.
  • Delilah confronts the detective and he tells her that he believes Sophie, but Peter was smart to cover his tracks and he doesn't want to put Sophie thrugha ll of that for Peter to walk.
  • Katherine tells Eddie about Theo at the hospital. When he clicks over to the other line, his lawyer tells him to take picture sbecause they can use that for the custody dispute.
  • Gary tells Darcy that he wants to go wherever she goes. 
  • Alan leaves Katherine the tenant information and says goodbye.
  • Delilah tells Eddie that she wants to take the kids back to France permanently. 
A Million Little Things
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A Million Little Things Season 3 Episode 17 Quotes

Gina: Sophie is going to get the justice that I never got from my uncle, and that means so much to me.
Rome: You are a survivor in every single way.

Katherine: Why do you do that? Why do you expect me to be the one has to say no?
Eddie: Because you are the one saying no. It's like your favorite word.
Katherine: Next time call before you just drop by.