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Malick's Inhuman obsession takes the team to Russia to the sanctuary that he, and Talbot, helped establish. While he furthers his mission to make Hive the leader of Inhumans, without telling that Hive is back on the planet, a politician is revealed to have powers himself, though Malick insists that he's not a leader.

When Bobbi and Hunter are framed for assassination on Russian soil, they plead their case to an angry policeman who tries to get them to admit that S.H.I.E.L.D. is still running in the shadows. As we see this interrogation, we flashback to the mission that led them here: Bobbi and Hunter were specifically watching Malick and seeing what this sanctuary was really being built for.

While the team is on the ground, Fitz and Simmons work to identify the new Inhuman they are fighting and overseeing the team on the ground.

As the team tries to figure out what's happening and protect those they can, Bobbi and Hunter are subconsciously dealing with their regrets from their previous marriage and the commitment they made to Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D. 

Meanwhile, May and Hunter work through their issues on what makes a good field agent and the mistakes Hunter has made, while disagreeing with what the agency stands for. 

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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