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Phil Coulson, now a guest of General Hale, learns to his annoyance that she is actually a Hydra remnant. She wants to tell him her story and insists that this is the time for Hydra and SHIELD to unite.

Back in 1990, Hale was a soon-to-be graduate from the Hydra academy (alongside Jasper Sitwell and Baron von Strucker) when Daniel Whitehall came to speak before her class.

Whitehall selected her for an important project: to be artificially inseminated with his latest and greatest project towards the goal of creating a super-soldier.

This turned out to be Ruby, who despite her incredible physical prowess isn't ready.

Hale also captured a damaged General Talbot and mentally broke him, forcing him to give up all the information he knew.

She tells Coulson that an alien Confederacy brokered a deal: give them gravitonium and Inhumans, and they will save Earth from an incoming alien invasion. Hale plans to double-cross them.

She wants to use the gravitonium to infuse Daisy Johnson with immense power and reveals to Coulson that Whitehall's name for the project was "Destroyer of Worlds."

Realizing the danger of such a plan, Coulson tries to warn her about his experiences in the future, but she doesn't believe him.

Back at the Lighthouse, Daisy decides to seek out the young Seer to get information, and Simmons reveals to Fitz that Deke is their grandson.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 5 Episode 15 Quotes

She [Daisy] would have the power to level alien armies, blow their ships apart. She would be worthy of Whitehall’s codename for the project. ‘Destroyer of Worlds.’


Simmons: So you see what this means?
Fitz: Yeah, I do. It means that our daughter’s obviously gonna marry some belligerent space goon and she’s gonna give birth to a *Deke*!